Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Family Outing

Hello everyone! I am so happy to finally post something after almost a year! This past Saturday Wayne and I wanted to do something fun with the girls without spending much money. We had two free tickets to the Rattle Snake Museum so we decided to go there. First we had a picnic in a park downtown where coincidentally they had some kind of festival with different booths and music. The girls had fun at the “Explora Museum” display that was in the park doing some experiments. After that we went to the Rattle Snake Museum. It is not that big but the girls and Wayne had fun watching all kinds of snakes and other scary bugs and animals. They also had a really cool gift shop with lots of snake related souvenirs. When we were done with the museum we decided to walk through all the little stores in old town and pretend we were tourists. Our favorite part was when we were walking through a little street and there were some men playing music and asked for volunteers to play, and Claudia and Wayne learned how to play the “marimba” and Ashley played the maracas. It was so funny that Ashley was so serious while playing and later on she told me that she was counting in her head 1,2,3,4 so she would keep the rhythm. We ended our day with some yummy “Frosties” from Wendy’s and the girls said that it was their most favorite day ever!I am 35 weeks pregnant so probably our next posting will be some pictures of the new baby or Halloween, whatever comes first. Love, Yeni


HeatherPeine said...

The girls are so beautiful. we miss you guys alot. hopefully we'll come down in the next month or so. Love you lots!

Jennie said...

Thanks for sharing. The Aunties are looking forward to another baby. Love you guys!